A woman who works with her hands is a laborer;

A woman who works with her hands and her head is a craftsperson;

A woman who works with her hands, her head and her heart is an....


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dream Envy. . .

We finally have a bit of Spring hit our area. We have had so much rain and cold and misery it is a welcome sight to have the sun inthe sky finally.
It's sunny. The birds are busy. The air is alive.

So why am I not feeling better?

I'm having a hard time lately -
I want to throw all responsibility out the window and go hang in the hammock.
Read a totally mind-less novel.
Dig in the dirt a little.
Plant some flowers.
Take a walk.
Take a nap.
Get a pedicure. . .

I love having my own art business.
I enjoy my day job . . .most days. (But lets face it - if given the choice I would do my art business full time.)
But I also have been self-employed and am not at all dillusional in believing that being self employed means having all kinds of free time.
It means long, long hours. Hours spent not thinking about anything but the "business".
And I do that. I do it gladly.
I spend long hours in my studio painting, producing, researching. . . doing business.
It's hard for me to stop.
Stop and do nothing.
Last night, I was tired and opted not to work in the studio.
I curled up in bed to watch American Idol. I picked up me drawing pad and pencils and was going to work on a doodle -
and nothing came. I drew nothing. A total blank!

I am hoping this is just an indication that I need a little break and it will come back. I have been pursuing alot of different things and quite frankly - I am tired.

I am vowing right here and now to find a way to balance work and the joys of the warmer months.
I will find more time for things like this . . .
This my daughter and her best friend taking a moment for themselves.
I remember when I was younger and I didn't have trouble filling my days with absolutely nothing!
It was divine.
On this day - all my daughter wanted to do was take advantage and live in the moment.
Focus on what was directly in front of her - a beautiful afternoon (although still a little cool), with the sun sliding into the late afternoon.
We could all learn a lesson from that - focus fully on what is directly in front of us and take advantage of the here and now!
In other news - I will be at my annual Memorial Day Sale at Oceanside, Oregon. If you are headed to the Oregon Coast for the holiday weekend - try to stop by and say hi!

And when I am not at the sale, I will be sitting and taking in the view. . .

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