A woman who works with her hands is a laborer;

A woman who works with her hands and her head is a craftsperson;

A woman who works with her hands, her head and her heart is an....


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm feeling very Lazy Susan Today!!

I don't know who Susan was . . .but I am guessing that she was not lazy at all.
I am guessing if she had a rotating surface named after her,
she was very, very busy and needed to find a way to be more efficient.
All I know is I love painting on these surfaces.
And I love using them in my kitchen . . .or bathroom . . .or family room . . .or ???
I'm sure Susan was a multi-tasker - so the (un)Lazy Susan can be a multi-tasker, too.
Don't you think?


  1. After I had seen your wonderful Lazy Susans I kicked myself for not picking some up when I saw them for a good price!! Love them. I could use one for my table. My moms name was Susan, and she always had a lazy one!! lol

    Fun post!
    Hugs Giggles

  2. Hi Laurie- I've been busy working on my butterfly project but just wanted to send a note to say hello and I love the lazy susans!
